Reflecting Back & Looking Ahead

What a year we have all been through. Can you believe we are coming upon 1 year of living in this altered way due to the Covid-19 pandemic? This photo is from last year when I decided to move my business virtual. Winter is a season of letting go and it is followed by spring, the season of renewal. We are in this transition point in so many ways; letting go and feeling hopeful for renewal.

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Erin McCabe
Tools for Emotional Health

I think it’s safe to say that it’s been a time of increased awareness of emotions and anxiety since March; a global pandemic, heightened racial tensions, constant uncertainty, and the list goes on. How have you been doing? I’ve had good days and terrible days, moments of pure excitement and moments of absolute sadness, weeks that feel energizing and weeks that feel downright depleting. These are the tools and mentors that have helped me work on my own emotional health. While this list is not complete by any means, it is what has helped me and may help you or start you down a feeling and healing path to owning your story.

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In Transition

Please stay patient as I transition and archive my blog posts from simple.balanced.healthy. This was previously hosted on a local platform that is on hiatus so I will be transitioning to posting here. Stay tuned and, in the meantime, please send along any topics you would like to see written about or expanded on.

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2020Erin McCabe
Repost from 2/4/2017 - Five Simple Body Weight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere: A little goes a long way

It's now the beginning of February and some research has shown that many of you who have set resolutions for the new year may be back to your old ways (1). There are many different reasons for this falling out, but I am here to give you some motivation to keep up with (or get back to) doing some exercise.

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